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Are you wondering what foods to eat during the 2 week wait? Then look no further – we have the answers you need.
The 2-week wait can be an emotional rollercoaster. Anxiety and frustration can understandably run high while waiting to know if you have successfully conceived or not. A common question we get is what can I eat to help make implantation successful?
Our top tips can help guide you through what to eat during the 2-week wait. We include foods to eat during the 2-week wait as well as foods to avoid during implantation. You will also find advice on how to cope during the 2-week wait, to hopefully help it become that little bit more manageable.
Is there an implantation diet?
The short answer is yes! A nutrient-dense diet that incorporates lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grains supports the successful implantation of a fertilised egg. These foods contain lots of antioxidants which help to create a favourable uterine environment for the implantation of an embryo.
Some nutrients support the act of implantation itself. They can help to create a receptive and thick lining of the uterus which is key for successful implantation.
There are also nutrients which support progesterone levels. High enough levels of progesterone are essential during the second half of the menstrual cycle. They allow implantation to occur and a successful pregnancy to develop.
Implantation & The Two Week Wait Meal Plan & Guide
Confused about your choices when it comes to foods for implantation and the two week wait? Take control and positively influence the process today with this Nutrition Guide and Meal Plan for Implantation and the two week wait

Foods to eat during the 2-week wait
- Whole grains – They contain a whole host of nutrients that support fertility such as b vitamins, iron and fibre. Increasing intake of wholegrains can increase endometrial lining thickness which can optimise implantation success. Examples include quinoa, brown rice and whole wheat bread.
- Beetroot – Beetroot contains nitric oxide which has the potential to improve nutrient-rich blood flow to the uterus promoting implantation. Taking 1 glass of beetroot juice from the day of embryo transfer could support implantation.
- Salmon – This oily fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which contain anti-inflammatory properties. This helps to create a protective environment for the embryo within the uterus. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids has been associated with higher chances of implantation and higher pregnancy rates
- Broccoli – This green vegetable contains plenty of folate as well as vitamin C. Higher intakes of folate and vitamin C intake are associated with higher progesterone levels during the luteal phase supporting implantation.
Foods to avoid during implantation
There are also some foods to avoid during implantation as they can negatively affect implantation rates.
- Reduce intake of red meat – A high consumption of red meat can have a negative effect on implantation rates.
- Limit high glycaemic index and sugary foods – These foods are broken down quickly into sugar causing our blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. Regularly eating these types of foods may interfere with our hormone levels which can negatively affect fertility
- Avoid alcohol – Alcohol can disrupt your hormone levels which can have a direct impact on implantation.
Can supplements help with implantation?
Following a healthy and balanced diet is key to supplying the body with all of the implantation-supporting nutrients. There are however some instances where additional supplements might be useful.
A prenatal supplement can support our nutrient intake ensuring that we don’t have any gaps. Here are our top recommendations:
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Some people may benefit from taking some extra supplements, for example, if they have a previous history of implantation failure. We recommend seeking advice from a Specialist Fertility Nutritionist or Dietitian to understand if these would be right for you.
How to survive the 2-week wait
Knowing you have done all you can to support implantation can help you feel in control of at least one element during these tense few days. Staying calm and stress-free can however be easier said than done. We know that reducing stress can help to increase pregnancy rates so here are our top tips for coping with the 2 week wait
- Keep yourself busy – take your mind off things and stay as relaxed and occupied as possible. Spend time with family and friends, take some time out for self-care or even cook your favourite meals. It can be anything you want it to be.
- Reduce stress – Take control of it by taking time for yourself and doing things that you enjoy. Take a bath, read a book, meditate or practice mindfulness for example. Do whatever works for you.
- Keep moving – staying active by doing some exercise or going for a walk can work wonders to reduce stress. What is more, doing some gentle activity supports fertility. Moderate physical activity is perfectly safe during the 2-week wait. Stick with what your body is used to and don’t try anything new or too strenuous.
Do you want to manage nutrition for implantation and the 2-week wait?
Take control today with our Nutrition Guide for Implantation and the Two-Week Wait. The guide provides an overview of what happens during implantation and the hormones involved. It also explains the ways in which nutrition can influence implantation, You will find practical tips on how to navigate the two-week wait as well as find guidance on which supplements could support implantation. As well as this you get 2 weeks’ worth of recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner that have been specifically formulated to support increase the chance of a successful implantation.
The bottom line
While there is a lot we cannot control when trying to conceive, we can control our diet. Creating a favourable implantation diet helps us to take control during the 2-week wait. This can help not just with supporting the likelihood of implantation but also our mental health and wellbeing can benefit.